Living Meditation with the Zagas

Spending time with the Zagas is like stepping barefoot onto soft fertile earth and suddenly realizing you’re not on earth, you are earth. It’s dissolving into the loving supportive arms of a mother, of The Mother. It’s suddenly noticing the beauty of nuance – the song of crickets, the sound of wind rustling tree leaves, the reflection of sunlight on water – it’s presence and it’s not possible to be thinking and present at the same time and presence is freedom.

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A Sagacious World

Loneliness deteriorates physical and mental health and we at the Teyuna Foundation would rather you not be lonely and the Mamos and Zagas for the sake of Earth want you to be happy. The spiritual Mothers and Fathers thought all of existence into reality and we continue to think our reality into being. Life is more pleasant for everyone and everything when we’re happy and we get happy when we become aware and working with the Teyuna Elders in community shifts us into awareness.

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