Join our ongoing journey into what is most sacred, our loving relationship to all that is.
Registration for our next worldwide pagamento coming soon.
Please share with friends around the globe to honor Earth’s wish to have many people participating in diverse locations.
The Elders will connect people worldwide to a frequency that will energize Earth’s flora and fauna (including you).
The more physical locations on the planet we reach, the greater the benefit.
Cleanse, heal and connect with nature, including your own.
Simultaneous translation in Spanish and English.
For millennia Teyuna (Tayrona) have sustained Earth’s health and harmony with their consciousness. Now, Mother Earth has requested you join them. Teyuna meditation energizes and nurtures nature, mitigates natural disaster, and asks the planet and the cosmos for forgiveness on behalf of humanity. The Teyuna, the planet’s original non-dual practitioners, have initiated an urgent plea on behalf of Earth. Help us show her we care by uniting with us as a human family and experience unconditional forgiveness, compassion and harmony in a distinctly potent way.
With mamos blessing, we welcome you to watch 2, 90 min (45 min in Spanish followed by 45 min in English) primers on pagamento:
January 19, 2023
January 26
Our follow-up to the worldwide pagamento, on February 19, 2022, was so intimate and profound for those who participated that it was decided not to share a recording publicly.
Teyuna inspired meditation
relax, share and breathe together
Led by founder/director Mary Gaetjens. Teyuna mamos and zagas occasionally join. Question and answer, sharing, meditations and whatever arises.
Link here to join us every Wednesday from 6:30-7:15PM Mountain Standard Time.
Ancestral Wisdom School
Soon, we’ll be sharing very good news about Bunshanduna Wisdom School.
For now, we welcome you to listen and view the precious and unprecedented offering of our fall 2021 semester.
We are particles of Mother Nature. She sings us from The Origin, the space where nothingness meets pure, creative thought. She is always singing. Song is the language She uses to teach us and speak to us. Her teachings are the sounds of springs, oceans, rivers, rain, wind, birds, frogs, toads, and all life. She sings us food and protection, life-force energy and good health for our mental (soul), physical and spiritual bodies.
It’s important to answer Her song with our song. Song keeps the balance between us and Her. Song is the reason we remain here on Earth. If we didn’t sing to Her, nature would die. When seeds are born damaged, or Earth descends in an avalanche, when trees die, when water dries up, it is because people are not singing.
“Singing us” is not a typo. It was intentional not to place the word “to” between singing and us. The Teyuna do not sing to nature, they sing nature, meaning they sing life into existence and maintain life’s existence through song. Each animal, plant or element has a song and when we learn life’s songs we can tune to our highest potential, be free to live happy, healthy lives and do our part to nurture the nature that supports all life on this planet. We can even connect with the cosmos through the songs of stars and planets.
It is the primary mission of the Teyuna Foundation to provide a space where the Teyuna Mamos and Zagas can share with those who wish to come into a deeper, clearer and more intimate understanding of how to nurture relationship and reciprocity with nature, including their own.
The Bunshanduna School of Ancestral Wisdom commenced it’s first semester Thursday September 16. We met weekly from 2:00-3:30PM Colombia time on Thursdays September 16; 23; 30; October 7; 14; 21; 28 and November 4;11 and 18. Spending time with Mamma Senshina, Habba Ulaka and Abu Santa, three of the foremost song lineage holders of Teyuna music was a gift beyond measure. Learning and listening to the songs (all available in the recordings) is not only healing and balancing on a body, soul (mind) and spirit level, it connects us to who we really are in the purest, most direct way possible. Yes, Really.
Please don’t miss this precious opportunity to sing with them and experience their wisdom.
We started at the beginning, with the song of the star that brought water to Earth. We focused on music throughout the semester.
Wiwa Wisdom: the sacredness of water; weaving and pagamento.
Promoting healing for an agitated, ailing planet and all flora and fauna – including yourself.
aired august 28, 2021 12:00-2:00Pm colombia time
I sometimes describe the Teyuna, (called Tayrona by the Spanish), as the Dalai Lamas of the natural world since they spend the majority of their time meditating with Mother Nature.
The Teyuna Zagas (female shamans) literally spend their lives caring for all flora and fauna of Earth in all dimensions seen and unseen. They believe they exist solely to do so and have done so since time immemorial. They are natural healers, have intimate and in-depth knowledge of plants that modern botanists find astounding, skills in midwifery that go far beyond training in delivering babies, and read the sky better than the most competent of atmospheric scientists to name a few examples of the limitless understanding of life they carry.
It is an immense and profound gift to interact with the Teyuna in any way and an especially precious and unique honor to build relationship with the Zagas as they rarely share the wisdom with outsiders.
The Teyuna Foundation began offering classes with the Zagas of SHINSHITɄHKWA, SNSM. In January of 2021 after spending many weeks dialoging with the Mamos and Zagas, spiritual leaders of the community, about how best to approach working together with utmost integrity on our part.
It was unprecedented for the Zagas of the community to offer classes online and it took sometime for them to be comfortable doing so. This year the Zagas taught the participants of Teyuna Foundation classes how to properly be of service to Mother Earth, the in-depth relationship between a women’s moon cycle, the Earth and the heavens, how to remove dis-ease from our physical and physical bodies simply through the power of our own thoughts, and how to connect more deeply with all the elements of Earth and the cosmos and how to begin weaving (literally and energetically) the threads that create the cosmos and all it contains.
You are welcome to join us August 28 from 12:00PM to 2:00PM Colombia time as the Zagas of the SNSM of Colombia share how to explore personal and planetary healing and so much more of what most of us consider magic, mystery and the impossible.
Donations to the Zagas contribute to irrigation for several hectares of crops, clean drinking water, seeds and seedlings for the plants the zagas use for weaving, materials for pagamento, the Zagas sacred service to Mother Nature, and cover travel expenses. Many of the Zagas walk over 10 hours from their homes to the base of the Sierra to participate in these offerings.
Teyuna knowledge and practice = thinking locally and globally from a non-dual perspective.
The Teyuna are not just another group of holy people connected to Earth. Connected to Earth is who they are. Stewarding Earth and Her flora and fauna isn’t so much what they do as what can’t be separated from as a culture. Consciousness is embedded in everything they do due to their life-long disciplined training. The Teyuna Foundation is not just another environmental group providing great classes, it’s a group of conscious activists committed to facilitating the experience of awakening transmissions that are as unique as they are strong and seeding heart-felt truth, honor and spiritual intention that lasts.
When people are asked what drew them to the Teyuna most everyone says they were inexplicably called and felt a bond of spirit.
Teyuna knowledge and practice offer embodiment to thinking locally and globally from a non-dual perspective. It creates a visceral connection where reciprocity and relationship naturally build into sustainable community.
The impact Teyuna teachings have on westerners and other Amerindians and indigenous worldwide is profound. Facilitating the Teyunas’ capacity to open hearts and minds to Earth-based non-dualism synthesizes traditional, ancient knowledge and modern necessity on an ecological and spiritual level that is, from my experience and according to outreach feedback, unprecedented. Bringing holistic, practical spirit-based wisdom to the study of ecological protection is crucial in these times.
As Gus Speth, a US adviser on climate change and career environmentalists said: I used to think that top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. I thought that thirty years of good science could address these problems. I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy, and to deal with these we need a cultural and spiritual transformation. And we scientists don’t know how to do that.
Participants report:
- Feeling their lives balanced and integrated on deeper and deeper levels as time goes on
- Benefit from the exercises they learned in classes and continue to do years later
- Their connection to the planet and to their inner-knowing as greatly clarified and amplified
Holistic Healing and Dreaming.
Atune to connect more deeply with the Spiritual Mothers and Fathers of Earth.
Class size is very limited to provide an opportunity for each person to share directly with a Mamo or Zaga.
Dreams can be submitted via email for analysis.
An Active Registration link will be placed here when sessions are scheduled.
recordings from our October 19 and 20,2021 classes
Holistic Healing and Dreaming with Mamo Atilio.
Mamo Atilio provides healings, weddings, baptisms and many other services at no cost to the Teyuna communities. Mamo’s dream is to liberate a small plot of land in the Sierra and build a simple temple there where he can do his work.
Arhuaca Remedies & Dart Frog Medicine with Ati. Suggested Donation $27.00.
Ati offers much needed traditional healing also at no cost in the Sierra. Learn from Ati about Teyuna herbal remedies and her work with dart frog medicine.
Impressions from Holistic Healing and Dreaming circle via zoom.
Earth Stewardship Online Community Courses
- Connect directly with Mamos and Zagas.
- In the sessions, Mamos and Zagas share the sacredness of their teachings and offer practices to support you in connecting to Earth, and your practice as an Earth Steward in your community and beyond.
- Sessions are recorded.
Registration Details Coming Soon
Remote Sessions from the Sierra
Sessions include:
- A planning session where you discuss healing challenges, ask questions and/or discuss a situation you’d like support with (translator present).
- Mamos and Zagas do a divination (they discuss your needs with their Spiritual Mothers and Fathers).
- Mamos and Zagas spend an average of 40 hours aligning and attuning your energetic body to support your soul, spirit and physical body’s potential to thrive. After a session you are forever in their consciousness and are likely to feel their presence in your life indefinitely.
- About a week after your session (sometimes sooner) you will have a follow-up call where the Mamos and Zagas insights are shared with you (translator present).
PLEASE NOTE: In some situations Mamos and Zagas conduct Earth healing ceremonies (pagamentos) on your behalf at specific sites within the Sierra Nevada and may need special materials that require travel to acquire. Some materials must be purchased. Depending on the complexity of the service you ask them to provide, you may be asked to contribute additional funds. There have been times when 4 mamos have fasted in a sacred site for 4 days on an individual’s behalf and we can not limit what they do. They work on your behalf with the Spiritual Mothers and Fathers of Earth and the Cosmos to fully address anything in your life path that is out of alignment. You need to make a serious commitment as well. This is a special and rare opportunity and can not be taken lightly.
Click here to sign up
Please be sure to include contact information to enable session scheduling. If you have any issues or questions, please contact Mary