Follow-Up to Pagamento for World Peace August 21, 2022

Now we’re going to sing songs that have existed for thousands of years. We’ll make music to feed our space and dance our souls. Dance is offering gratitude to life, food, all things. We dance to give thanks for everything we are. In this respect, we honor each other and Mother Earth. The music we dance to, the vibrations from the instruments, show us other way to express the connections we have. The first instruments were clay pots and wind instruments.               

Earth, land, sun, water, air, all generations back and forward, we have to sing to it. Nature has its own language. Our songs have sounds that express the sounds of animals, of rain, etc. Each living thing has its own specific sound. By singing we connect the energies to a deeper level with all living things.

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Living Meditation with the Zagas

Spending time with the Zagas is like stepping barefoot onto soft fertile earth and suddenly realizing you’re not on earth, you are earth. It’s dissolving into the loving supportive arms of a mother, of The Mother. It’s suddenly noticing the beauty of nuance – the song of crickets, the sound of wind rustling tree leaves, the reflection of sunlight on water – it’s presence and it’s not possible to be thinking and present at the same time and presence is freedom.

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Meet the Zagas of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

It was unprecedented for the Zagas of the community to offer classes online and it took sometime for them to be comfortable doing so. This year the Zagas taught the participants of Teyuna Foundation classes how to properly be of service to Mother Earth, the in-depth relationship between a women’s moon cycle, the Earth and the heavens, how to remove dis-ease from our physical and physical bodies simply through the power of our own thoughts, and how to connect more deeply with all the elements of Earth and the cosmos and how to begin weaving (literally and energetically) the threads that create the cosmos and all it contains.

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