Do you want to know how to provide healing to an agitated and ailing planet? Do you want to heal dis-ease in your own body?
The Teyuna, called Tayrona by the Spanish, are the Kogi, Arhuaco, Wiwa and Kankuamo peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, (SNSM), The Heart of the World.
The Teyuna Zagas (female shamans) literally spend their lives caring for all flora and fauna of Earth in all dimensions seen and unseen. They believe they exist solely to do so and have done so since time immemorial. They are natural healers, have intimate and in-depth knowledge of plants that modern botanists find astounding, skills in midwifery that go far beyond training in delivering babies, and read the sky better than the most competent of atmospheric scientists to name a few examples of the limitless understanding of life they carry.
It is an immense and profound gift to interact with the Teyuna in any way and an especially precious and unique honor to build relationship with the Zagas as they rarely share the wisdom with outsiders.
The Teyuna Foundation began offering classes with the Zagas of SHINSHITɄHKWA, SNSM. In January of 2021 after spending many weeks dialoging with the Mamos and Zagas, spiritual leaders of the community, about how best to approach working together with utmost integrity on our part.
It was unprecedented for the Zagas of the community to offer classes online and it took sometime for them to be comfortable doing so. This year the Zagas taught the participants of Teyuna Foundation classes how to properly be of service to Mother Earth, the in-depth relationship between a women’s moon cycle, the Earth and the heavens, how to remove dis-ease from our physical and physical bodies simply through the power of our own thoughts, and how to connect more deeply with all the elements of Earth and the cosmos and how to begin weaving (literally and energetically) the threads that create the cosmos and all it contains.
You are welcome to join us August 28 from 12:00PM to 2:00PM Colombia time as the Zagas of the SNSM of Colombia share how to explore personal and planetary healing and so much more of what most of us consider magic, mystery and the impossible.
Donations to the Zagas contribute to irrigation for several hectares of crops, clean drinking water, seeds and seedlings for the plants the zagas use for weaving, materials for pagamento, the Zagas sacred service to Mother Nature, and cover travel expenses. Many of the Zagas walk over 10 hours from their homes to the base of the Sierra to participate in these offerings.
Suggested Donation $72.00 A link to the online workshop via zoom will be sent when registration is complete.