Cuppa and Worldwide Pagamento this weekend

  Dear Friends, In just a few days, on Saturday and Sunday, August 21 and 22, in conjunction with events and an exhibit of indigenous arts at the Museum of Modern Art in Medellin, Colombia, people around the world will join in Worldwide Pagamento to share positive energy for peace internally, throughout the human experience, … Continued

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Teyuna Snippets Part I

Today is winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and summer solstice in the southern hemisphere. It’s the shortest or longest day of the year depending on where you are in the world, but wherever you are in the world the moon was just shy of full today. A full moon symbolizes abundance. The qualities of this particular moon ask you to consider how you value yourself, others, things and experiences.

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Meet the Zagas of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

It was unprecedented for the Zagas of the community to offer classes online and it took sometime for them to be comfortable doing so. This year the Zagas taught the participants of Teyuna Foundation classes how to properly be of service to Mother Earth, the in-depth relationship between a women’s moon cycle, the Earth and the heavens, how to remove dis-ease from our physical and physical bodies simply through the power of our own thoughts, and how to connect more deeply with all the elements of Earth and the cosmos and how to begin weaving (literally and energetically) the threads that create the cosmos and all it contains.

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