urgent call to non-action   For millennia Teyuna have sustained THE PLANET’S health and harmony WITH THEIR CONSCIOUSNESS. NOW, Mother Earth HAS REQUESTED HUMANITY JOIN THEM. bilingual EVENTS, spanish and english   Please take a moment to REGISTER for the Global PAGAMENTO this SATURDAY  August 20 and/or SUNDAY August 21  via zoom Please share with … Continued

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The Housatonic

Water, like all of nature is able to communicate what’s needed for Her health, but most of us don’t speak Her language. The mamos do. When we spend time with them we seed the awareness that helps us hear Mother Nature’s voice and when we tune into the listening we develop a new connection to our own true nature as well.

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Carrie and the Teyuna

Last August I had the good fortune to meet some Teyuna spiritual leaders from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. These “seers” are known as mamos and zagas, and their lives are devoted to ecological protection and healing. Although they rarely leave their home, last summer they came to the U.S. to bless sacred sites around the country. Amazingly, one of their stops was the Berkshires, just a few minutes from where I live.

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