World-Wide Pagamento February 2, 2022

The Elders, Mamos and Zagas, of The Heart of the World, a 4-mile high mountain now known as the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia, have called for a world-wide pagamento.

A pagamento, literally translated from Spanish to English is a payment, but it’s more than that. It’s offering gratitude, connecting to forgiveness and compassion, balancing and energizing all that is.

That the Mamos and Zagas have requested a world-wide pagamento means Earth herself has requested that we come together as a planet to re-member all is one.

The Mamos and Zagas have been directly communicating with the planet for millenniums. Veins on a tree leaf in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta give them information about what is happening in a forest in Sweden. The soil talks to them, they hear the water sing and the wind whispers messages from the moors to the highest peaks. The firelight shows them what is unseen.

Our thoughts and actions affect the health and well-being of the flora and fauna of the planet and reverberate in the cosmos. Earth needs you to understand that – body, soul and spirit. You make a difference in the world, for the worlds.





3 sessions in early 2022 on Wednesdays; January 19 and 26 and February 2  

January 19 and 26 are bi-lingual primers on pagamento (45 minutes for Spanish speakers followed by 45 minutes for English speakers) prepare you for the precious, unprecedented event on February 2. 

We will have the honor and gift of being guided by the Mamos of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to make a conscious, collective effort to support Earth’s energy by connecting to the Heart of the World.

Please help us to be able to continue offering courses that have inspired deep hope, healing and connection for hundreds of people since 2018. We as a species are making important shifts toward consciousness that we are committed to aligning with and enlivening. We need your support to keep going.


LINK HERE TO offer your pagamento