Memorandum by Hanne Strong and James O’Dea

While visiting Crestone, Colorado in preparation for The Summer Recorrido, I had the immense pleasure and great honor  of meeting Hanne Strong and James O’Dea at a dinner at  Marika Popovits home. James read a poem, one of many that he’d written. I wanted to say “composed” it was so much like a song which takes me to the next element of one of the best nights of my life. Sajohn Daverly was there and spoke about his book Bhagavad-Gita: The Amrosial ‘Sat-Song’ of Sri Krishna, a must read for any Gita enthusiast.

How did I end up at Marika’s for that magical evening? Another Crestone gem, Signa Ramstrom introduced us.

How lucky I feel that my work with the Teyuna has lead me to meet these incredible beings.

Please read the beautiful memorandum Hanne and James wrote about our visit to Crestone coming up in August. Our tour begins in just a few days! (Click here to View). 

The Unveiling Marika Popovits
Your heart is not your own. Ownership is an attribute of mind. There is only one heart in the whole universe. It is the same heart experienced in different degrees by all life. A New Earth is possible when we drop into the freedom of our shared heart. But if we stay on the balcony of the mind – we will only end up painting the same old wounds on a dark and crowded canvas of the future.– James O’Dea