Way of Nature

I find a rock with sun on it

And a stream where the water runs gentle

And the trees which one by one give me company

So must I stay for a long time

until I have grown from the rock And the stream is running through me

And I cannot tell myself from one tall tree – – Earth Prayer, Nancy Wood

The above is a quote from John Milton’s Way of Nature brochure. I had the extreme good fortune and pleasure to visit his sanctuary in Crestone, Colorado recently. I’d gone there to attend a presentation by Earth Law Center who I’m so thrilled to say is now our fiscal sponsor and FINALLY you really can make tax deductible donations. To be supported by someone who believes as we do that Mother Nature is a being and has rights of her own is, in a word, thrilling!

Have you been to Crestone, Colorado? It’s a secret garden of precious gems. We’ll be back there hosted by Colorado State, Crestone Baca Campus in August, from the 8-11. Hope to see you there.