Thank you for joining us! We’re looking forward to seeing you on Thursday January 28, 2021 and Thursday February 4, 2021 at 5:00PM UTC; 9:00AM Pacific USA; Noon Eastern USA.
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Meeting ID: 845 5595 0708
Passcode: 467912
Receive an attunement to connect more deeply to the Spiritual Mothers and Fathers of Earth. Learn how to be more balanced and grounded.
Work with Mamo Atilio remotely for 1 week and check-in with Teyuna Foundation staff via zoom
Please email questions you would like answered 36 hours ahead of the call.
Meeting ID: 822 4411 1668
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Meeting ID: 822 4411 1668
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Sacred materials are often used in pagamentos (payments) with the Teyuna. Everything with the Teyuna is a conversation with the spiritual mothers and fathers and spontaneously evolves. We do are best to foresee what materials will be needed, and sometimes they change.
In working with the Teyuna you will find it useful to have elementals and candles in all colors of the rainbow, raw cotton at your fingertips and tobacco, sage or a cigar handy, but you won’t always use these things and you may be asked to procure other items. We trust The Mothers and Fathers to guide us.
Some details about materials we often use:
for the Arhuaco a black candle cleans negative energy from the air, a green candle clears dis-ease energy and a white candle infuses a space with positive energy.
In the case of the Teyuna sacred objects are generally stones and shells, but can be other items as well.
Your connection with Mamo Atilio facilitates a greater opening to what westerners often term grounding. You will feel more present in soul, spirit and body and you may experience physical or emotional release.
Many of you have experienced the soft, deep, non-dual space the Teyuna offer and are aware that what’s provide goes beyond academic understanding to a visceral level of connection as we move from cognition to contemplation to action.
For those of you who’ve worked with the mamos and zagas previously, a system wide activation was seeded that will be watered on this call and you will know what that means.
For those of you who’ve not experienced the work of the mamos and zagas, dormant sewa (DNA) will be activated. You may or may not be consciously aware of the changes that take place as they occur on a very subtle level. The best way to work with these changes is to spend time outside and notice what occurs as new in your sensory perceptions. This will be your main take-away. If you meditate it may occur as a deepening in your ability to quiet the mind. As you sit and intend to notice your perceptions will magnify exponentially over time.
You have been called to this offering due to your compassionate connection to Mother Nature. Even if you think you’re called because you’re having health challenges it is likely that your illness indicates an inability to process the unrest in our world right now.
Remember we are here for you even after the week is over and feel free to contact us any time at this email address.
Let us know how to best support you during our time together and throughout the week.